Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2016



Hello guys!
I decided to post more in future and so here we go!:)
Christmas was awesome to celebrate in the US and I had so much fun! We didn't have snow because well I'm in Arizona... but it's freezing since December! Ok "freezing" isn't maybe the right word but it's cold.. We sometimes have about 15 degrees Celsius like mostly but the mornings are super cold because I don't know if you guys know that but Arizona is basically a desert and it gets cold at night. I think the coldest I've seen so far were negative 5 degrees. Anyway, I leave my house early for the school and it's cold so I'm wearing like a thick jacket and then after school it's too warm to wear it and I have to carry them with me everywhere. I know it's weird because like in Germany (just my opinion) it's more like the temperature stays the whole day as in the morning maybe it's 1 or 2 degrees different but in AZ a day could be like: 5AM -5 degrees Celsius and 1PM 15 degrees. It's annoying tho but well ;). I hope you all had a great start into 2016! My new year was pretty boring cause it's not a big deal in the US and I just stayed home with my family. My heart broke when I've seen all my German friends snapchat stories haha... I can't believe I'm already over 150 days in AZ.. the time goes by so fast. A lot people ask me if I miss my family and if I'm excited to go back. So here's my answer. It's a mixed feeling. I love it here so much and I'd prefer America for living but I DO miss my friends from back home and my family. And I'm looking forward to see all my friends and family again! But then I realize how much I'm gonna miss my second life here. I'll miss my friends, food, going to American theatres and everything. So it's really hard to say how I feel about going back home cause like now..? I have a second home a second life on the other side of AZ and I will always miss my second life in AZ. But anyway! I have approximately 150 days left and I will do the best out of it! I will try to post more the next weeks.. If you guys have any question let me know :) you can text me through Instagram or any other social media sites.

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